Mavd 1531 - 2203 - Mauguière

MAVD 1513 - 2203

High Capacity, Consistent Delivery: Ideal for Large Enterprises

Remote Monitoring:
you can optimise your compressor's performance from anywhere.

Consistent Performance:
Designed to operate flawlessly, even at temperatures up to 46°C.

User-Friendly Design: Ensuring minimal hassle and tailored for maximum efficiency.

MAVD 1531 – 2203 - High Capacity, Consistent Delivery: Ideal for Large Enterprises

The MAVD 1531-2203 compressors are robust, simple, and intelligent devices tailored for optimal reliability in air compression.

Designed for the user, they offer reliable performance even in challenging conditions, saving up to 45,000 units of energy compared to market averages. Additionally, with remote monitoring via the ICONS system, you can have peace of mind, ensuring your operations run smoothly.

Our MAVD 1531-2203 compressors are a testament to Mauguière's commitment to innovation. From their robust exteriors capable of withstanding harsh conditions to maintenance-free internal components, they embody advanced engineering and reliable performance.

We understand the value of time. The MAVD 1531-2203 series is designed for hassle-free maintenance with long-lasting consumables, reducing interruptions and operational costs.

The MAVD 1531-2203 series, with its fixed speed model, is crafted to minimize operational expenses. Its design ensures that every kW is optimally utilized, promising significant energy savings.

The MAVD 1531-2203 series promises not just efficiency but significant cost savings. From its energy-efficient design to long-lasting components, every feature ensures a maximized return on your investment.

Perfect for diverse industries such as manufacturing, automotive, and construction, the MAVD 1531-2203 series offers reliability and efficiency in compressed air solutions.

  • Optimal Reliability: Designed for efficient air compression, ensuring a consistent supply whenever needed.
  • User-Centric Design: With easy installation, usage, and maintenance, this series promises essential air quality.
  • Efficiency Mastered: Embrace cost-effective operation with up to 5% more actual airflow compared to its predecessor.

Have a look at the range leaflet for more information


MAVD 1531 - 2203 - Mauguière

Télécharger la documentation - MAVD 1531 - 2203
2 MB

Looking forward to buy this compressor?

Technical details MAVD 1513 MAVD 1803 MAVD 2203
Motor power 110 kW / 150 HP 132 kW / 180 HP 160 kW / 220 HP
Pressure 7 - 13 bar
FAD* 361 l/s 429 l/s 477,4 l/s
Noise 77 dB(A) 78 dB(A)
Configuration On Base
Controller ES4000 T

*Refers to 7 bar

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