

ECOntrol6 is the system born with the aim to optimize and automate the compressors’ room and can manage up to 6 compressors.

Manage and optimize 
up to 6 compressors

Balance the working hours
apply to priorities schemes

Repair wear, extend product’s life-cycle 
Save on maintenance

Manage your room compressors

ECOntrol6 is a simple system to control and regulate head room compressors, with up to 6 machines and the opportunity to schedule a priority scheme on the internal calendar. In this way, you can save money and balance the working hour of the compressors, saving on maintenance costs.

The controller ECOntrol6 comes with the board ES4000 Touch and can be integrated through the CAN network with Ceccato compressors with boards ES4000 Standard, Advanced, Swipe and Touch. At the same time, Ceccato’s fixed speed compressors can be also connected by using the controller Airlogic.

Five is the maximum amount of compressors that can be integrated with all other controllers, through connection with clean contacts.

In case of functionality anomalies on ECOntrol6, the control can be located on each unit connected granting continuous working.

ECOntrol6 allows to starting/stop remotely and the automatic restarting after possible power breakout.

Thanks to the working hours balance, ECOntrol6 allows to maintain more machines in one only visit and to save more costs on services.

ECOntrol6i is the integrated version, available as an optional on Ceccato compressors with controller ES4000 Advanced and Touch. You can be integrated up to 6 machines with controllers ES4000 Standard, Advanced, Swipe e Touch, supported by CAN network.

Have a look at the range leaflet for more information


Ceccato ECOntrol6

Download the leaflet
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