Our local distributor located in Rural View, servicing the Mackay region
We have air compressors for sale Mackay through our authorised Ceccato Compressors distributor Wazza's Air & Maintenance Solutions based in Rural View to service the Mackay region. If you are in the Mackay region and are looking for industrial air products such as screw compressors, piston compressors, compressed air filters, compressed air dryers or air piping than Wazza's Air & Maintenance Solutions can help you out.
Wazza's Air & Maintenance Solutions - Mackay
Local distributors of Ceccato Compressors servicing Mackau assisting areas in the region such as Rural View, Beaconsfield and Shoal Point. Wazza's Air & Maintenance Solutions is an authorised distributor of Ceccato Compressors and will assist in finding a reliable and efficient solution for all your industrial needs.
Wazza's Air & Maintenance Solutions
P.O. Box 222
Rural View , Queensland
4740 Australia